Friday, December 14, 2012

Bad Date Karma

I have believed strange things before.
I believe in strange things.
Asked out on a date.
Plan the date for Monday.
Monday comes and we are both ill.
It happens.

Can't plan the rest of the week.
Days fill up with obligations,
For the both of us.

Plan the date for the following Tuesday.
Tuesday is good.
I live with the idea of it being Tuesday.
Something came up,
And now Tuesday it's not.

Wednesday is too busy for me,
Thursday might be too busy for her,
Friday might be for family,
Then it's Christmas.

I know it's an odd belief, but I believe in date karma.
If we pick a day and something else is wrong with it,
I might just give up.

Maybe the universe is trying to tell me,
"Hey, this really isn't a good idea."

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