Monday, December 10, 2012

Things I have stopped include this

I was sick for awhile. I was sick in a way that isn't cancer, or something physical. In a way that people can say to you, "at least you still have your health".

I have stopped many things, and one of those things was this blog.

I realize, that a lot of the writings were symptomatic of my larger undiagnosed mental illnesses. I can say that, and acknowledge it.

Sometimes writing helped, sometimes it didn't. Sometimes it made things worse, sometimes better. It's hard to articulate and differentiate the complexities of past writing.

I think I was worried I would revert to past habits and behaviors. But, the thing is, I never read anything again that I make. I never re-read much, or remake much. So, what's the point? What's the worry?

This is just a note for now.

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