Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Shoulda seen the other girl

Feel like I've been in a fight, never actually been in one before. I know there are things I would punch people over in the right situation. Body is worn. I have bruises in random places. They look like they've been there for days, but I am only noticing them now. Old scars, new scars, healing scars. They're just there. Kind of given up worrying about them too much for the time being. They're just there.

I feel ill, some sort of stomach virus. Tired a lot more. Maybe its the bussing, maybe its school. Maybe its all the 8:30am mornings on days when I finish at 5:30pm. I don't know. Everyone is tired, but I am usually never this tired.

The hypochondriac in me is saying leukemia. The realist in me is saying go to sleep you silly girl.

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