Sunday, November 21, 2010


I am incredibly tired, for what it's worth. I am still sick, sad, depressed, and very cold. I woke up this morning tired and not wanting to go to work. It took an incredible effort to get out of bed, an even greater effort to get dressed and everything in between and after. I didn't really feel awake until after two pm.

I am exhausted, and there is so much to do that I have put off. Tomorrow there are about a hundred and a half things to do, and I am not entirely prepared for all of them. An appointment at school, two appointments with professors, a group meeting, an audio recording session, and I have to pick up video equipment, and presumably film something, edit that something and finish it for Tuesday. Not to mention reading responses, a food journal, and a paper due Wednesday-none of which I have started. I might possibly spontaneously combust, or spontaneously do something else. Is it worth sleeping if you will only sleep for a few hours?

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