Saturday, April 24, 2010

50 Things I am thinking at 3:09am instead of sleeping

1. I hope Carly doesn't mind that I intend on wearing her blue poka dot skirt tomorrow.
2. I have single-handedly ruined all my hopes for ever getting into grad school.
3. I have to catch the bus in three hours, is it worth sleeping?
4. How many other people are thinking the same kind of things right now?
5. Why do people tell me that I am smart, when I feel so stupid most of the time?
6. I have ten overdue library books, but I don't want to return them because they are like a part of me.
7. I forgot to text John happy birthday.
8. I don't want to get old.
9. I feel like I'm stuck in a mixed panic and apathy stage of my life that results in creativity yet unproductivity.
10. Unproductivity isn't a word because my browser's underlining it in red.
11. I need to write four letters this week.
12. I need to stop dreaming about professors, but I can't tell my subconscious this because it doesn't listen to me when I do.
13. If I never accomplish anything in life, does it still make the life I lived meaningful?
14. Who am I working with tomorrow?
15. I hope the bus isn't late.
16. I can't read on the bus anymore, and I don't know why.
17. How long can I hold my breath for?
18. Will I ever publish something?
19. If I fall asleep now, I will likely have to rewet and redo my hair.
20. Why am I so afraid of the idea of the queer scene, queer bars, and queer community?
21. The class I learned the most from, I will get the worst grade in.
22. Come to think of it, the class I will get the best grade in, I learned the least.
23. Why does my breathing feel funny?
24. I am nervous about at least six things right now.
25. Did I just hear the car door slam?
26. I want a cat because I can love a cat very much and that is normal.
27. I stole one of Carly's pens from downstairs.
28. I have been thinking about just stopping being queer, and becoming whatever I am becoming, but when I try I can't.
29. I didn't cut myself today, which is a really good sign that things are looking up.
30. I didn't buy or make anything for lunch tomorrow.
31. I hope there is time in the morning for cereal.
32. What is Sadie Benning doing right now?
33. In my head I just ran through the list of everyone I have thought of in the past day, and wondered what they were doing.
34. My sister said having a wall of post-it notes would be scary, but I think it would be fascinating.
35. I wish I was the pear.
36. The pillow is telling me something.
37. Is it unusual that most of my close friends from high school have never really dated anyone?
38. I wonder how Bob Dylan would feel to know that he is on a poster in my room.
39. My blankets are soft
40. Go to bed already
41. Yes you can get coffee in the morning.
42. It would be much cheaper to make coffee at home, but most people who know you discourage you from drinking it, and you never wake up early enough to even make tea.
43. Bah
44. There is an odd high pitched ringing in my left ear that just disappeared.
45. Why do I care, or why does anyone care what I am thinking at 3:09ish am?
46. I wonder if there will be any cute grad students tomorrow studying the works of Anais Nin which is something I dream about often.
47. I hope I don't run into my professor tomorrow. Any of them actually.
48. I need to work on my narrative voice
49. Sandra needs to come to the party.
50. I hope that I can play at least half as good as Terra Lightfoot because everyone really likes her music.

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