Friday, April 23, 2010

Fuck self-doubt.

"Enjoy your body and use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it, or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own."

-the sunscreen song

Fuck you self-doubt. 63/i365
Friday April 23, 2010
I'm sick of feeling shitty about my body. I'm sick of caring about the scars, the stretch marks, and the fat. The eyebrows that I always forget to pluck. Fuck it. Not that I'm going to become a slob. I'm working on all these things simultaneously, but I'm not going to hate my body in transition. Fuck the world if it thinks I'm going to.

Other things:

Shoes and messy rooms. Story of my life. 57/i365
Saturday April 17, 2010

Visits with dad. 58/i365
Sunday April 18, 2010

Much too tired for this 59/i365
Monday April 19, 2010

Waking up into empty rooms 60/i365
Tuesday April 20, 2010

"Wear something nicer."
"What's wrong with what I have on?"
"Well we're going out for dinner"
Wednesday April 21, 2010

Closing the lab for the summer means I will have to find other places to take photos. Which is probably a good thing. 62/i365
Thursday April 22, 2010

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