"Enjoy your body and use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it, or of what other people think of it. It's the greatest instrument you'll ever own."
Fuck you self-doubt. 63/i365
Friday April 23, 2010
I'm sick of feeling shitty about my body. I'm sick of caring about the scars, the stretch marks, and the fat. The eyebrows that I always forget to pluck. Fuck it. Not that I'm going to become a slob. I'm working on all these things simultaneously, but I'm not going to hate my body in transition. Fuck the world if it thinks I'm going to.

Other things:
Saturday April 17, 2010
Visits with dad. 58/i365
Sunday April 18, 2010
Much too tired for this 59/i365
Monday April 19, 2010
Waking up into empty rooms 60/i365
Tuesday April 20, 2010
"Wear something nicer."
"What's wrong with what I have on?"
"Well we're going out for dinner"
Wednesday April 21, 2010
Closing the lab for the summer means I will have to find other places to take photos. Which is probably a good thing. 62/i365
Thursday April 22, 2010
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