Thursday, April 22, 2010

About the moon

The moon is the moon and you are not. Admiring such large things always leads to songs being written. I've been told that people can't be the moon, and when you say that someone is, it's raising them to a position of false superiority which only grows your own inferiority complex.

The thing is, people are moons. They exist as moons. People love them, people admire them. People go out of their way to acknowledge them in a busy room, or on the street. You are just one of those people. No matter how bad it hurts, you're one of those people who acknowledge the moon too. Just another person who nods and walks by.

You can live with that. To the moon, it has a galaxy. To you, there's the moon. It will never understand what its like to walk around the world with a head full of ideas, and to dream of it some nights. It doesn't get it.

That's ok, you tell yourself this. You never really deserved the moon anyways. You always knew this. When those thoughts were running around in your head, you knew this. You have too much hope for things that only happen in books.

So, you're probably going to write a song. Or sing that one you already wrote with more meaning behind certain parts of it. It's going to be just like any other song, or anything else you make. It's probably not going to be original. It won't be cutting-edge. You're writing about the moon, not a self-invented sub-culture.

You'll get over the moon. It takes some work to think of other things instead. Can't help the dreams, but they fade. So too does everything that was once grand. Grand feelings for grand things fade. The moon is just a rock in the sky at night. It is only beautiful because of light.

Tell yourself this enough times and you believe it.

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