Friday, April 16, 2010

Dream 4: Fragments

Friday April 16, 2010
Fragment 1: Pools and Bodies
John and I went swimming. We were walking in this area just after the pool. We'd just come out of the water. As we walked by, every girl I saw had a perfect body. Tall, lean girls with wet long brown hair, and tiny waists that curved in so delicately. I remember this one girl was wearing my favourite shade of green in a bikini top and bottom. They were all smiling, happy, and thin. Very thin.

John was talking to me and we were heading towards the changerooms. It was as if I'd just been saved, pulled from near drowning. When we got into the change area, I was overcome by its whiteness. Everything about it was white. The walls, the floor, the ceiling. The people stood out among the background.

He said, "Didn't they see all "this" when they pulled you out?"

He was walking in front of me, so I didn't see what he did when he said "this", but I looked down at my legs and noticed my scars that were in stages of fading. They were healed completely, but still very visible. I adjusted the shorts that I was wearing to try and cover them because they'd ridden up my wet legs from the pool.

John kept walking slightly ahead of me, and I got the impression that he didn't want to either talk about what happened, or to see me or my scars.

In the left corner of my eye, I saw a big, muscular man in the changeroom who looks like he is wearing tight black underarmor. I take a second glance, and I notice its more like a binder or a girdle.

Fragment 2: Better than a painting
I am on a long country road. It is at night. Nothing surrounds me but grass and fields. The road is made of packed dirt and stones. People are walking back from somewhere. The path is lit, but everything else is in almost complete darkness. I look at the side of the road, and there is a light. Someone has a flashlight. I see beautiful golden wheat, and a creek and a field.

People walk past me because I am walking slow and enjoying the night. A girl comes up beside me, and two guys are walking behind us. They say tauntingly, "Is this your?" at something on the ground. I look, and on the path there are two paper plates. They didn't show any traces of food on them, but I knew that there had just been cake on them. Everyone was coming back from something festive like a birthday party or a carnival.

On the paper plates were paper masks made out of purple, white, red, and blue coloured thin pieces of cardboard. The girl and I each had one. We were both happy to find them.

I remember I was alone again after that and thinking that I wanted to take John and Leah here if I ever finished my animation completely, and if something amazing ever came from it. I thought that this path was almost as good as the Redhill Creek paths where I always want to take my friends, but never do.

Fragment 3: Touch that kills
A piece of an important news cast plays in my head. On it, two boys are outside touching their hands together. The one boy is blonde, and they are both on or with bikes. The blonde boy says if he touches you, you will die because his touch causes immediate death. He told people to watch out because he was coming to find them. He threatened people, yet he seemed to be doing this in an almost playful way.

I see a couch in a house in a suburban neighbourhood. It is in a whitewalled living room, and behind the couch there are open white french doors leading outside. Outside looks like bokeh grass and bushes. Near the couch, a boy wears a worn brown leather catcher's mitt, a long sleeved jersey, a hockey glove, long pants, and a hockey mask. He's maybe 6 or 7 years old.

His sister walks around behind him dressed similarly. They don't want to die so they are trying to cover up every inch of skin.

I am supposed to stay somewhere for 7 days. I slam a locker door, and there is another girl there. I ask her what day it is, and she says its Friday, so only five days have passed. Whatever I started, I started in on Monday, but I was required to stay there for a week of seven days, not a work week.

I tell her that I can't do it anymore, that I need a break, so I go out to dinner. I am with a girl I know from school (she doesn't really exist in real life, but in the dream we were school friends). We are talking and eating. The place where we are is a small, informal, kitschy restaurant with indie looking waiters. It is like My Dog Joe, but more like a restaurant.

We are almost done eating and talking, and this older woman comes and waves to the girl I'm with. I kind of ignore her because my back is facing away from her. The girl says to me, "I think she knows you."

I look back at the woman, and she's smiling and calls my name, "Alyson!" I look at her, but I don't recognize her. She is tall with wavy/curly blonde hair, red lips, and she is wearing a long, dark, navy fitted trenchcoat.

"I'm ____'s mother. Your brother's friend." (I don't remember the name of the boy, but he was the same boy who was on the news saying that he would kill everyone).

I asked, "How is he?"

She replied a little too casually, "Oh he's not allowed out until he stops threatening to be a stalker."

She pauses, and starts talking rather quickly, "Say, would you like two tickets to Copps blah blah blah, can't make it out blah blah blah, won't be able to go blah blah blah."

I am distracted and don't understand what she is saying because I am thinking about her son and slightly shocked she is acting so calm and normal. I say, "Sure" not knowing exactly what I agreed to.

She smiles, and comes back with a large, white styrofoam takeout container full of cooked chicken. I smile politely and feel pressured to eat some. I don't want to say I'm a vegetarian because I probably already agreed to eat it anyways.

I take a very thin slice, cut some up, and think about how long its been since I've had meat. I don't remember actually eating it.

Fragment 4: Turquoise earring girl
I am sitting on the bus behind my sister. We are at the back of the bus sitting on the seats that face forwards. She is sitting closest to the window, and someone she knows is sitting beside her. Across from the row is a beautiful, yet shy girl with slightly shorter than shoulder length brown hair. She's no older than nineteen and is wearing a red, cotton spring jacket. She leans over and pins a really pretty turquoise earring onto the back of Carly's shirt. It looks like a small flattened shell that has intricate curves and made of cross stitch fabric. It is the most beautiful earring I have ever seen in my life.

The girl smiles as she does this, I smile to myself as I see her lean back into her seat. She doesn't know that I know my sister, but I don't say anything. The girl is still smiling and holding her hand to her mouth as she gets off the bus. Carly finds the earring on her shirt, and is puzzled and slightly amused. I really wanted the earring, but I didn't say anything about it. I knew she didn't care as much as I did about the girl and her earring.
Back of the bus:

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