Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dear present girls,

I say present girls instead of summer girls because summer girls seems too cliche, but that's what I want. A summer girl. Any girl really, but I feel like I deserve a summer something. My sister's had half a dozen summer boys, and I think I deserve just one girl. Some feelings that will look nice in photographs when I'm blue during winter. Some feelings that seem more beautiful than they actually are because its sunny everyday.

The camp girls are coming back this year. I was too afraid to be more than just nice to them, but I'm not afraid this year. The girl with the leaf tattoos on the back of her calfs. We'll talk in the old stone house at night. Tired and sore from working all day with kids in the sun. I'll find out her perspective on the stories that people have told me when people talk.

There's the other girl who was engaged to her girlfriend. I remember nobody knew, and she wasn't going to talk about it. Afraid then like I used to be. Maybe this year she'll talk about it, or maybe she won't.

Then there's all the girls before and after and in between. The ones I haven't met yet, the ones who I'll make up in my stories. I'm not going to feel sorry for myself anymore. When I went to see Dave Kuric, I told him that I was fond of taking pictures of people without them knowing. He said that this kind of photographer is a "hunter". Whether this is the nickname, or the real term, I don't know.

I hunt strangers. I hunt girls. I hunt stories. I hunt opportunity. I hunt a lot of things.

I feel braver today than yesterday.

My sister would say that this is exactly like how I am with drinking. I'll say that we should go out and celebrate the end of a term, or finishing a project. I'll be enthusiastic until it actually comes down to the doing of it, and my ambition and intentions will wane.

I would say that you can't compare drinking to girls.

I would say this is more important.

I am saying watch out.

Whether or not this is just talk, or this becomes actions,

it's going to be an interesting summer.

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