Monday, June 14, 2010


They don't even know
Exactly how much oil is spilling into the Gulf of Mexico,
Into the ocean
Every fucking second
Of every day
Since this thing started.
They have estimates.

But they can tell you exactly how many fucking apps are in the istore.
They can tell you exactly what Lindsay Lohan did after she got her wisdom teeth removed.
But they can't tell you how much oil is spilling into the ocean.
They say they can't track the amount of oil, that they need sensors
That they aren't sure when they're going to install.

They can perform surgery on a fetus before its born which takes less than 24 hours.
I'm pretty sure they can install some fucking sensors with a robot
And if they fail, they should just be able to try and try and try and try again.

Make it an iphone app, make it an ipad app, make it a smartphone app.
Live feed from the oil spill.
Every television show should have a little square feed in the top left hand corner.
Live feed from the oil spill.
It doesn't go away when you change the channel.
Counts the oil going into the ocean as it happens.
Is that what we need to make us care about things now?

I really don't understand why no one is losing their shit over this.
There is oil

I can't even grasp what this is doing to the grasses, fish, birds, whales.
I can't stop reading these articles
And looking at these pictues.

I'm too jumpy tonight.
When I get notifications of cellphone alarms, emails, or text messages,
My heart skips a beat.
Like its someone telling me we finally did it, we finally fucked shit up so much that we can't repair it.
When its just my sister, teasing me about my braces.
Just some alarms I forgot to turn off from two days ago.
Just some meetings I've planned over the next few days.

It's going to be a struggle to sleep tonight.
I haven't felt this nervous in awhile.

Ok, so I felt this nervous Sunday night and Friday night on my one woman escapades.
But I haven't felt this nervous about world things in a long time.

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