Thursday, June 24, 2010

On days when

On days when:
Your aunt can't remember that your mom drives a blue car,
Your aunt looks at you with a confused, distant look,
Your course supervisor sends you a stern "I'm disappointed in you" email at 8:00am,

On days when:
You call said course supervisor, leave a message, and miss the return call,
You call again and leave a message but you can't remember your cellphone number because you are so shaken up,
You actually leave a message that goes:
"its alyson, I'm returning your call, my phone number is 905 716- shit. I forgot my phone number right now. Sorry, just call me back."

On days when:
You are asked a hundred times how your project is going,
You you get a dual sympathetic/stern get-your-shit-done email from Liss Platt,
You drink so much coffee you might throw up,
You run into the only other student in your course (who you never want to see again),

On days when:
You feel like the world is against you,
Your mother yells at you for doing "nothing" at school all day,
Your sister sides with your professors instead of you,

On days when:
Your find time sensitive forms you should have mailed in three weeks ago,
Your older friend asks you what you should do with your life,
Your dinner plans start at 8:30 instead of 7:30pm because they're running late,

On days when:
You don't bring the key to John's apartment
You can't grab a glass of water or go in even though he said you could because you have no key,
You spend said hour in Jackson square

On days when:
You are too scared to check your email,
You can't go to sleep

You just have to laugh.
Because its been so terrible,
It's actually funny.

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