Sunday, March 7, 2010

How to be the leading lady in your life story

I feel like somebody took the wind out of my chest.
They went in when I was sleeping and stole a bit of it to make the northwind, leaving me tired.
I wish I could have a movie frame moment. The kind that I saw today when I was on my way to school. A bunch of people sitting on someone's porch when the light was beautiful, and it was warm outside. I believe that directors go around collecting these moments and put them into their pockets because they feel magical.

I feel so tired. I can barely walk in a straight line, and I am supposed to be the hero. I decided that I would stop relying on other people to care about my life, and rely on myself. Heros have to be certain things. They have to be in control. They have to at some point know what they are doing with their lives.

I am sorry. I'm trying to write about a single thing, to filter all my thoughts into a single idea, and it doesn't seem to be working very well. I feel like I need to be radical. To change everything about who I am, so that I am someone better.

I feel sick. I feel so tired. I can barely raise my head up to write this. I just want to sleep forever. But I'm supposed to be strong. I'm supposed to be strong. Oscillating from weak to strong. Weak. Weak. Strong. Stronger.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

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