Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday March 10, 2010

We write and write and write and to what end? 20/i365

Wednesday March 10, 2010 I love my hands. They are small, and do so much for me. I don't mean that in a crude way. They help me express the things I cannot say. Without my hands I wouldn't have writing, I wouldn't have this kind of writing in the same way that I have it here.
I feel like I have so much to say, and it all spills out in a hundred different books or blogs. I feel sometimes selfish when I don't share ideas or thoughts. Maybe its the echoings of a Christian upbringing, but I think that people should share their talent. Sometimes I feel like I don't do a good job of that. That I keep a lot of my thoughts and ideas to myself and its selfish in a way.

Entrails 30/365
Wednesday March 10, 2010
The snow is melting, and there is a lot of garbage on the streets. This makes me a little sad inside to see so many cigarette butts and waste scattered around. I make a promise to myself and I say that I will run around with a bag and clean everything up, but I never do it because I am either too scared, or would appear weird doing it by myself.

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